VICTORY! Special Promo Price ends Nov 17!
Reach the
7-Figure Mark
and Beyond
In Your Business!
Join the in-depth VICTORY Masterclass for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners!
Can we talk about your business for a minute?
Has your business been stuck in the same place, or going down, and you've not been able to break through to the next level?
You may feel alone, but you’re not…many entrepreneurs are stuck and don’t know how to break through, but I can help you just as I've helped others.
I’ve put together a 12-week VICTORY Masterclass for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who need help breaking through to 7-figures.
This power-packed and in-depth one-of-a-kind program will take place in 12 Weekly 2-hour Sessions. You'll lay the groundwork that will take you to the next level, and see benefits immediately!
Week 1: Anatomy of an Entrepreneur
America is suffering from an ever-widening leadership gap in every segment of society. Entrepreneurs are uniquely qualified to close this leadership gap because we’re always looking for ways to be better, do better, respond faster, and produce more. We have the greatest ideas! And we’ve got passion in our hearts, fire in our guts, and the deepest desire to keep moving towards our fullest potential.
Week 2: Vision
A clearly defined vision is your battle cry, your call to action. It enables you to attract the best people—the “rock stars”—of your industry, inspiring team members to give their best and igniting organizational creativity. Your vision is an aspiration to a bigger, better future; being part of something larger than oneself is a prime motivator for most top performers.
Week 3: Intel
When launching and growing your business, just gathering information isn’t enough. You must then take the time to analyze and understand this information to be able to use it to your advantage to turn info into intel. When you gather and analyze intel the RIGHT way, you'll become the go-to business in your industry and leave your competition to pick up the leftovers.
Week 4: Pocket Teaching (Sales Funnel) and Review
We'll spend time reviewing the previous three weeks, giving feedback on what you've created thus far, and go in-depth on your questions.
We'll also help you break through barriers that are in your way.
And of course, we'll help you build out a Sales Funnel the RIGHT way!
Week 5: Coaching
Too often entrepreneurs buy into the myth and romance of the “Lone Wolf,” stylized by popular media. Falling for this “go it alone” fable puts both your short and long-term success at risk. Seasoned Coaches and Mentors can move you further along the entrepreneurial path, and towards your fullest potential faster. We'll show you the secrets on how to find the right coach for you.
Week 6: Teams and Communication
You’ll never recapture true freedom, nor create meaningful significance on your own! We’ll show you how to build and lead an elite team, as well as how to effectively communicate your desires and goals. It’s said, “facts tell, and stories sell.” When communicating with high-achievers, transformational leaders must be master storytellers in order to inspire them towards your company vision and their fullest potential.
Week 7: Operations and Finance
Operations, Systems, and Finances may not be sexy to some, but they're vital to the health and success of your business! Systems must be setup and monitored properly (automated when possible) for sustained success and scalability. As leaders, it’s essential we have a keen understanding of our financials. We'll show you those Key Performance Indicators every business owner should be measuring, that most aren’t even aware of.
Week 8: Pocket Teaching (7 Essentials to Stellar Customer Service) and Review
This week will include a special teaching segment, and we'll spend some time reviewing the previous three weeks of instruction, answering your questions, and giving you feedback on what you've created so far.
Plus learn the 7 Essentails to Stellar Customer Service that will get people talking about you and your business!
Week 9: Rapid Action
You’ve been lied to! We’re told that “knowledge is power”—that’s simply not accurate. The truth is, informed, decisive action is power. With the countless critical decisions that must be made each week, which actions should be taken, and in what order? We’ve created a decision-making matrix specifically for entrepreneurs. We'll show you how to take bold, rapid action so you’ll become an absolute powerhouse decision-maker!
Week 10: You
What's the most important part of your business? YOU!!!
You'll understand more about yourself as we give you the tools to help you understand how you work and what makes you tick, and most importantly, guide you to being the best version of yourself!
Always remember, if you want to do great things, you’ve got to be a great person!
Week 11: Your Plan
If you’re serious about being a high-achieving entrepreneur, you must have a Strategic Plan. Most business owners don’t (which is why so few ever break the 7-figure ceiling). We’ve created a powerful, proprietary tool that will help you do more strategic planning in 90-minutes than most entrepreneurs do in five years! Your Strategic Plan will launch your business towards new heights, elevate your personal impact, and transform your life!
Week 12: Bringing It All Together
In the final week, we'll be summarizing and reviewing everything you've learned, and help you to fully launch your business to the next level!

Access to Video Session Replays
We will be taking deep dives each week with a lot of information so, unlike other masterclasses, you’ll be able to re-watch each session if needed so you can absorb everything at your own pace.

Step-by-Step Detailed Blueprints
It's the "give me all the details and walk me through this process!" guide.
If you want a refresher of any step, describing when and what to do, this is it!

(Git 'er Done!) Checklists & Guides
These templates will make your work easier as we guide you through the process of launching your business to higher levels than ever before.

Private Community Forum
This is where members can connect with each other, find accountability partners, share their stories to learn from each other, ask questions, search for answers, and get advice.

Live Q&As During Each Weekly Class
To answer your questions and review material. In fact, you'll hear wisdom garnered from our decades of experience building businesses and managing and leading teams in a variety of settings.
Everything You’ll Get Starting December 7!
Program, Community, and more!
Special Promo Price: One Time Payment
- Victory Masterclass for Entrepreneurs (2-hour classes once a week)every week Starting Dec 7 for 13 weeks (minus one holiday break week)VALUED AT $9,750
- BONUS:1/2 day in-person (Anaheim offices) or video private strategy session*** VALUED AT $4,500
- BONUS:Lifetime access to Larry and Dave’s HireMyVA Masterclass program (Prepare, Hire, Thrive) with tons of bonuses and tools. VALUED AT $3,997
- BONUS:Unlimited emergency calls during the program duration VALUED AT $3,000
- BONUS:Private 90-minute Surge call to launch your business*** VALUED AT $1,450
- BONUS:BroughtonHOTELS Peak Potential Pack Educational Boxes (8 months) VALUED AT $1,000
- BONUS:Lifetime access to yoogoziINSIDER, our membership site, with tools and tips to help you in your business (currently closed to new members…except you!) VALUED AT $997
- BONUS:Program session recordings of all 12 weeks of the Victory Masterclass VALUED AT $995
- BONUS:Weekly Co-Working sessions designed to help you Focus and and Achieve your greatest priorities in less time!VALUED AT $1000
- BONUS:CliftonStrengths and Kolbe A Assessments with evaluation calls, VICTORY book signed by Larry Broughton, Revealed Audio Recording by Larry Broughton, Lincoln journal designed by Larry to use for taking notes (or however you want to use it), yoogozi pen, and maybe a few other surprises. VALUED AT $495
- BONUS:Suite of five newly recorded, life-changing, and business enhancing webinars containing up-to-date information that will allow you to maximize your Masterclass experience VALUED AT $495
- BONUS:Access to recordings of the 5-part Free Masterclass covering the topics of 5-Star Strategies to Create and Extraordinary Life and Business, Building and Leading Your Elite Team, Identifying the Primary Roadblocks Holding Your Business Back from Making 7-Figures, Key Metrics that Can Help You Make the 6 to 7-figure Leap, and Productivity Hacks to Get your Life and Your Sanity Back.VALUED AT $97
- TOTAL VALUE: $27,776
Special Promo Price: 3 Monthly Payments
- Victory Masterclass for Entrepreneurs (2-hour classes once a week)every week Starting Dec 7 for 13 weeks (minus one holiday break week)VALUED AT $9,750
- BONUS:1/2 day in-person (Anaheim offices) or video private strategy session*** VALUED AT $4,500
- BONUS:Lifetime access to Larry and Dave’s HireMyVA Masterclass program (Prepare, Hire, Thrive) with tons of bonuses and tools. VALUED AT $3,997
- BONUS:Unlimited emergency calls during the program duration VALUED AT $3,000
- BONUS:Private 90-minute Surge call to launch your business*** VALUED AT $1,450
- BONUS:BroughtonHOTELS Peak Potential Pack Educational Boxes (8 months) VALUED AT $1,000
- BONUS:Lifetime access to yoogoziINSIDER, our membership site, with tools and tips to help you in your business (currently closed to new members…except you!) VALUED AT $997
- BONUS:Program session recordings of all 12 weeks of the Victory Masterclass VALUED AT $995
- BONUS:Weekly Co-Working sessions designed to help you Focus and and Achieve your greatest priorities in less time!VALUED AT $1000
- BONUS:CliftonStrengths and Kolbe A Assessments with evaluation calls, VICTORY book signed by Larry Broughton, Revealed Audio Recording by Larry Broughton, Lincoln journal designed by Larry to use for taking notes (or however you want to use it), yoogozi pen, and maybe a few other surprises. VALUED AT $495
- BONUS:Suite of five newly recorded, life-changing, and business enhancing webinars containing up-to-date information that will allow you to maximize your Masterclass experience VALUED AT $495
- BONUS:Access to recordings of the 5-part Free Masterclass covering the topics of 5-Star Strategies to Create and Extraordinary Life and Business, Building and Leading Your Elite Team, Identifying the Primary Roadblocks Holding Your Business Back from Making 7-Figures, Key Metrics that Can Help You Make the 6 to 7-figure Leap, and Productivity Hacks to Get your Life and Your Sanity Back.VALUED AT $97
- TOTAL VALUE: $27,776
***Must be completed within 90 days of the end of the 12-week program.
Here's What People Are Saying

As business owners, it's vital that we continuously learn from others. It's imperative that we surround ourselves with smarter and more experienced professionals. Larry Broughton is the real deal. During the last 12 weeks, Larry has given me better direction and understanding of my business shortcomings. He has reignited the fire in my gut and given me better direction that will help me create a more meaningful purpose plus a clearly defined vision.
Henry Tijerina
CEO, Tijerina Construction, LLC

I learned more during the twelve weeks enrolled in the Victory cohort than I have in the last three years as a business owner. We are seeing immediate results in our client and team relationships. Thank you Larry, Dave, and Melissa!
John Danahey
Owner, Patriot Seven Services, Inc.

The 12 Week Mastermind Program was something I knew I needed and wanted to do. I wasn't sure of the time commitment, but once I put it in my schedule, I was able to keep my commitment and work on my business and myself for 12 weeks. It not only helped me increase my bottom line over the past 12 weeks but it showed me where I do have time in my schedule and got more done than I ever expected. The part that surprised me the most was that when I went in for my 6-month VA appointment my stress and anxiety scores had come down by half!!
Kristi May
Owner, Legend Acres

This is NOT for publication, but a true story:
Pre COVID – The company engaged with about 40 active clients per month.
During COVID – The company reached a low of 11 active clients (and they were not the money makers).
In the 12 weeks of VICTORY – The company executed agreements with 37 new clients.
One week after the completion of VICTORY – The company prepared agreements for 6 new clients.
Leanne King
CEO, SeeKing HR

I was beyond excited to get accepted into the IVMF Masterclass with Larry Broughton and Dave Braun. At the beginning of 2021, I vowed I would do $1.5M in revenue. Scaling up to a million is a tremendous leap. I admit I had some preconceived expectations. During the program, I also found myself creating a different mindset around growth and scalability. I assumed I would be 'given' the tools to scale to a million. It's funny, but not funny to think about that now. I realized that "to whom much is given, much is required." I had to do the WORK. Getting crystal clear on my ideal client, the services I offered, as well as my value proposition was priceless. Each week I reported significant wins, yet, the biggest reward was peeling back the onion on my business and viewing it with fresh eyes. Thank you Larry, Dave and Melissa (the true Drill Sgt).
Paris Love
CEO, Paris Love Productivity Institute, LLC

These first two sessions have been so refreshing. The information received already would be saved me from a lot of headaches and stress when I started my entrepreneurial adventures over 25 years ago. This information has come at a perfect time as 2020 caught me in the middle of re-branding the audio/visual business, as well as starting a new adventure at the begging of a pandemic.
Pedro Salas
Director, Evolve Audio Visual, LLC

There are too many “AHA” moments to list! Learning some new skills on how the management my business and to make decisions that have been on my mind with confidence has been amazing. By favorite part was completing the trending analysis of my Revenue and Expenses. Starting a new tracking system for “Hours Billed to Client” and “Hours not billable”. Since we are Cash In-Cash Out I trust that will really gauge the trending for our profitability. Thanks again for all the new insight.
Runee Brunelle
Co-Founder, Pathfinders Downsizing Solutions

This is an all encompassing list that could be extremely useful in developing my business my insights and my team!
Shaun Anderson
Pro-Audio Dept. Manager, Off The Ground Sound, LLC

Strategic Planning for Supersized Success was great. I've already pre-printed for the 2x/mo for next quarter and monthly through the end of the year. Great job, Larry!
Tammy Penhollow
Owner, Precision Regnerative Medicine

The VICTORY Masterclass program is a fast-track portal to a panoply of tools, insights, recommendations, cautions, motivational speeches, team camaraderie, and old- fashioned truth talkin’ that will help accelerate your path to significance and success with whatever your entrepreneurial enterprise is. It’ll make your life better too. Larry, Dave, and Melissa deliver a comprehensive example of professional teamwork, organization, and tutelage that engenders a “we’re-all-in-this-together-folks” esprit de corps throughout your entire class. Their investment in you coupled with your investment in the class will springboard you and your team into the next level of your business. Strap on a helmet and hold on. Enjoy and learn…I certainly did.
Thad Hunkins
CEO, NCC Systems Inc.

I thought this was a great exercise to help us live with intent; to be cognizant of our actions and intentionally conduct ourselves in our relationships in ways that are significant to others.
Bill Matthews
CEO, Worksite Lighting, LLC

Larry is a consumate professional. He is smart, visionary and wise - wisdom obtained through a track record of success. Larry is the kind of guy you hope to one day get the chance to do business with.
Darren Hardy
Former Publisher, Success Magazine,
New York Times Best-Selling Author

Wow! The Mastermind was powerful and action-packed! It kept me on my toes; stirred me to think new ways about leadership and business; and exposed me to like-minded, driven entrepreneurs (who I now call friends). With my newfound skills, confidence and clarity, I'm more energized and able than ever before to move towards my fullest potential. I owe you big time for all you've done for my business and me.
Steve Wright
CEO, Spectator Shade, former NFL Player,
Survivor Season 22

Folks must join this! Turns out business is more than just balance sheets, and this Mastermind delivers on both! In the last year my revenue has grown over 80%! So on a scale of 1-5, 5 being best, this Mastermind scores a 10!
Chris Dambach
CEO, One Industry Standard

I've gotten better clarity of my vision, mission, and goals. This Mastermind has shown me how to leverage my strengths and my networks to make positive movement.
Michael Lugrand
CEO, My Life's Documents

Larry represents the best qualities of veteran entrepreneurs: tough, savvy, agile and intelligent.
Chris Hale
Publisher, Vetrepreneur magazine,
US Navy Veteran

Thanks so much, Larry, for the tools an concepts you taught me at the Mastermind success intensive. You said I could transform my business in 90 days, and you were pretty much right on the money. I will be forever grateful. Thanks for showing me how to take action and make a dream come true.
Travis McVey
Founder, Heroes Vodka,
USMC Veteran

Larry is an outstanding leader and businessman. I have always found him to be an inspiring individual with a keen creative mind, passionate devotion to quality customer service and a commitment to his community.
Deana Linderholm
Get to 7 Figures!

Refund Policy:
Full refund (minus $100 processing fee) within 72 hours of purchase.
50% up to November 30, 2021 (1 week before start of 1st class).
After November 30, 2021, no refunds are available.